We stock a large range of grasses, rushes, sedges, wildflowers, small and large shrubs and tree seedlings.
Prices for common species – $45 per tray of 40 (single species) – $40 per tray 5 trays and over – Single plants $2 – $2.50 each (all prices include GST)
We also stock a huge range of home garden plants too numerous to mention. Please contact the nursery to confirm current pricing.
Stock List
Botanical Name | Common Name | |
Acacia acinacea | Gold Dust Wattle | |
A. brachybotrya | Grey Wattle | |
A. buxifolia | Box Leaf Wattle | |
A. dealbata | Silver Wattle | |
A. deanei | Deans Wattle | |
A. difformis | Wyalong Wattle | |
A. doratoxylon | Currawang | |
A .genistifolia | Spreading Wattle | |
A. hakeoides | Western Black Wattle | |
A. implexa | Lightwood | |
A. mearnsii | Black Wattle | |
A. melanoxylon | Blackwood | |
A. montana | Mallee Wattle | |
A. paradoxa | Hedge Wattle | |
A. pendula | Boree | |
A. pravissima | Ovens Wattle | |
A. pycnantha | Golden Wattle | |
A. rubida | Red Stem Wattle | |
A. salicina | Cooba | |
A. stenophylla | River Cooba | |
A. verniciflua | Varnish Wattle | |
A.decora | Western Golden Wattle | |
Allocasurina luehmannii | Buloke | |
A. verticillata | Drooping Sheoke | |
Arthropodium minus | Vanilla Lily | |
A. strictum | Chocolate Lily | |
Atriplex nummularia | Old Man Salt Bush | |
Banksia ericifolia | Heath Leaf Banksia | |
B. marginata | Silver Banksia | |
B. robur | Swamp Banksia | |
Billardiera scandens | Common Appleberry | |
Bracteantha spp. | Everlasting Daisy | |
Bursaria lasiophylla | Hairy Bursaria | |
B. spinosa | Sweet Bursaria | |
Brachychiton populneus | Kurrajong | |
Bulbine bulbosa | Bulbine Lily | |
Callistemon brachyandrus | Prickly Bottlebrush | |
C. citrinus | Crimson Bottlebrush | |
C. macropunctatus | Scarlet bottlebrush | |
C. pallidus | Lemon Bottlebrush | |
C. sieberi | River Bottlebrush | |
C. viminalis | Weeping Bottle Brush | |
Callitris glaucophylla | Murray Pine | |
C. endlicheri | Black Cypress Pine | |
Calytrix tetragona | Common Fringe Myrtle | |
Cassinia aculeata | Common Cassinia | |
C. longifolia | Shiny Cassinia | |
Casuarina cristata | Belah | |
C. cunncinghamiana | River Shcoke | |
C. glauca | Swamp Shcoke | |
Chamaecytisus proliferus | Tagasaste, Tree Lucerne | |
Chenopodium nitrariaceum | Nitre Goose Foot | |
Clematis microphylla | Small leaf clematis | |
Correa reflexa | Correa reflexa | |
Daviesia latifolia | Hop Bitter Pea | |
D.leptophylla | Slender Bitter Pea | |
D. ulicifolia | Gorse Bitter Pea | |
Dianella spp. | Flax-Lily | |
Dillwynia spp. | Parrot Peas | |
Dodonaea angustissima | Narrow Leaf Hop Bush | |
D. boronifolia | Hairy Hop Bush | |
D. cuneata | Wedge Leaf Hop Bush | |
Einadia nutans | Climbing Salt Bush | |
Enchylaena tomentosa | Ruby Salt Bush | |
Eremophila longifolia | Emu Bush | |
Eucalyptus albens | White Box | |
E. alligatrix | Silver Leaf Stringybark | |
E. blakelyi | Blakely’s Red Gum | |
E. botryoides | Southern Mahogany | |
E. bridgesiana | Apple Box | |
E. caesia | Gungurru | |
E. camaldulensis v. obtusa | River Red Gum | |
E. camphora | Mountain Swamp Gum | |
E. cinerea | Argyle Apple | |
E. cladocalyx | Sugar Gum | |
E. crenulata | Buxton Gum | |
E. dealbata | Tumbledown Gum | |
E. dives | Broad leaf Peppermint | |
E. eximia ‘nana’ | Yellow Bloodwood | |
E. ficifolia | Red Flowing Gum | |
E. globoidea | White Stringybark | |
E. globulus ssp. bicostata | Blue Gum (Eurabbie) | |
E. globulus ssp. globulus | Southern Blue Gum | |
E. goniocalyx | Long Leaf Box | |
E. gunnii | Cider Gum | |
E. lansdowneana | Crimson Mallee | |
E. largiflorens | Black Box | |
E. leucoxylon | White Ironbark | |
E. leucoxylon ssp. rosea | ||
E. macrorhyncha | Red Stringybark | |
E. maculata | Spotted Gum | |
E. mannifera | Red Spotted Gum | |
E. melliodora | Yellow Box | |
E. microcarpa | Grey Box | |
E. nitens | Shining Gum | |
E. nortonii | Silver Bundy | |
E. pauciflora | Snow Gum | |
E. ployanthemos | Red Box | |
E. radiata | Narrow Leaf Peppermint | |
E. rubida | Candlebark | |
E. saligna | Sydney Blue Gum | |
E. scoparia | Wallangarra White Gum | |
E. sideroxylon rosea | Pink Flowering Ironbark | |
E. sideroxylon | Red Ironbark (Mugga) | |
E. tricarpa | Red Ironbark | |
E.stellulata | Black Sallee | |
E. viminalis | Manna Gum | |
E. viridis | Green Mallee | |
Eutaxia microphylla | Mallee Bush Pea | |
Glycine clandestina | Twining Glycine | |
Gynatrix pulchella | Native Hemp | |
Goodia lotifolia | Golden Tip | |
G. banksii | Banks Grevillea | |
G. robusta | Silky Oak | |
G. rosmarinifolia | Rosemary Grevillea | |
G. spp prostrate | Ground cover Grevilleas | |
Hakea laurina | Pincushion Hakea | |
H. microcarpa | Small Fruit Hakea | |
H. salicifolia | Willow Hakea | |
H. tephrosperma | Hooked Needlewood | |
Hardenbergia violacea | Sarsparilla | |
Hymenanthera dentata | Tree Violet | |
Indigofera adesmifolia | Tick Indigo | |
I. australis | Austral Indigo | |
Isotomea axillaris . | Rock Isotome . | |
Kennedia prostrata | Running Postman | |
Kunzea ericoides | Burgan | |
K. parvifolia | Violet Kunzea | |
Leptospermum brevipes | Slender Tea Tree | |
L. continentale | Prickly Tea Tree | |
L. lanigerum | Woolly Tea Tree | |
L. obovatum | River Tea Tree | |
Lomatia spp. | Lomatia | |
Maireana microphylla | Eastern Cottonbush | |
Mirbelia oxylobioides | Mountain Mirbelia | |
Melaleuca decussata | Totem Poles | |
M. ericifolia | Swamp Paperbark | |
M. halmaturorum | Salt Paper Bark | |
M. lanceolata | Moonah | |
M. parvistaminea | Rough Barked Honey Myrtle | |
Lomandra spp. | Mat-rush | |
Olearia pimeleoides | Showy Daisy Bush | |
Pittosporum angustifolium | Weeping pittosporum | |
Platylobium formosum | Handsome Flat Pea | |
Pultenaea spp. | Grey Bush Pea | |
Rhagodia spinescens | Thorny Salt Bush | |
Senna artemisioildes | Silver Cassia | |
Swainsona galegifolia | Smooth Darling Pea | |
Native Grasses and Wetland Plants | ||
Alisima plantago aquatica se | ||
Austrodanthonia duttonii | ||
Austrodanthonia secata | ||
Austrostipa scabra seeded | ||
Baloskian tetraphylla | ||
Baumea articulata | ||
Baumea rubigonosa | ||
Bolboschoenus caldwellii se | ||
Bolboschoenus fluviatalis harvest | ||
Bothriochloa macra seeded | ||
Bulbine bulbosa seeded | ||
Carex appressa seeded | ||
Carex fascicularis seeded | ||
Carex breviculmus | ||
Carex gaudichaudianna | ||
Carex inversa seeded | ||
Carex tereticaulis seeded | ||
Chloris truncata seeded | ||
Crassula helmsii | ||
Cyperus exaltatus seeded | ||
Cyperus gunnii | ||
Cyperus lucidus seeded | ||
Danthonia seeded | ||
Dianella revoluta34x12pots | ||
Dianella longifolia | ||
Dichondra repens | ||
Eleocharis actua | ||
Eleocharis sphacelata | ||
Gahnia sieberiana | ||
Isolepsis inundata | ||
Isolepis nodosa | ||
Juncus amabillis seeded 25 | ||
Juncus ingens | ||
Juncus flavidis | ||
Juncus pallidus | ||
Juncus sarophorus seeded | ||
Juncus semisolidus seeded | ||
J. subsecundus | ||
Juncus usitatus seeded | ||
Ludwigia peploides harvest | ||
Lomandra Little Pal | ||
Lomandra longifolia | ||
Marsilea drummondii | ||
Mentha diemenica | ||
Microlaena stipoides seeded | ||
Myriphilum crispatum | ||
Myriophilum papillosum600t | ||
Nymphoides crenata | ||
Paspalidium jubiflorum | ||
Persicaria decipiens | ||
Phragmites aust. | ||
Poa fawcettii | ||
Poa labillardieri | ||
Poa sieberi seeded | ||
Potamogeton ochreatus | ||
Pycnosaurus globosus | ||
Rumex bidens | ||
Schoenoplectus validus | ||
Themeda triandra | ||
Triglochin procerum |